Laser Diode 의 Kink 특성값 계산 C++

double __fastcall Kink(double* Current, double* SE, int count)
double kink1=999.9 ;
double* coeff ;
double max, min, se_offset, temp ;
	coeff = Polynomial_Fitting(Current, SE, 2, count) ;

	temp = (coeff[2]*pow(Current[0], 2)) + (coeff[1]*Current[0]) + coeff[0] ;

	min   = SE[0] - temp ;
	max   = SE[0] - temp ;

	for(int loop=1 ; loop<count ; loop++)
		temp = (coeff[2]*pow(Current[loop], 2)) + (coeff[1]*Current[loop]) + coeff[0] ;
		se_offset = SE[loop] - temp ;

		if(se_offset > max)
			max = se_offset ;

		if(se_offset < min)
			min = se_offset ;

	if(SE[0] != 0) 
		kink1 = ((fabs(max) + fabs(min)) / SE[0]) * 100 ;
	kink1=999.9 ;

return kink1 ;

double* __fastcall Polynomial_Fitting(double* x, double* y, const int degree, int Size)
x : X 축 데이타
y : Y 축 데이타
degree : 다항식 차수
size : 데이타 수

    int N=Size ;
    int n = degree ;
    int i, j, k ;
    double X[2*2+1];                        //Array that will store the values of sigma(xi),sigma(xi^2),sigma(xi^3)....sigma(xi^2n)
    double B[2+1][2+2],a[2+1];            //B is the Normal matrix(augmented) that will store the equations, 'a' is for value of the final coefficients
    double Y[2+1];                    //Array to store the values of sigma(yi),sigma(xi*yi),sigma(xi^2*yi)...sigma(xi^n*yi)
    for(i=0 ; i<2*n+1 ; i++)
    	for (j=0 ; j<N ; j++)
    		X[i]=X[i] + pow(x[j],i);        //consecutive positions of the array will store N,sigma(xi),sigma(xi^2),sigma(xi^3)....sigma(xi^2n)
    for (i=0 ; i<=n ; i++)
    	for (j=0 ; j<=n ; j++)
    		B[i][j] = X[i+j];            //Build the Normal matrix by storing the corresponding coefficients at the right positions except the last column of the matrix
    for (i=0 ; i<n+1 ; i++)
    	for (j=0;j<N;j++)
    	Y[i]=Y[i] + pow(x[j],i) * y[j];        //consecutive positions will store sigma(yi),sigma(xi*yi),sigma(xi^2*yi)...sigma(xi^n*yi)
    for(i=0 ; i<=n ; i++) B[i][n+1]=Y[i];                //load the values of Y as the last column of B(Normal Matrix but augmented)
    n = n + 1 ;                //n is made n+1 because the Gaussian Elimination part below was for n equations, but here n is the degree of polynomial and for n degree we get n+1 equations
    for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++)                    //From now Gaussian Elimination starts(can be ignored) to solve the set of linear equations (Pivotisation)
    	for (k=i+1 ; k<n ; k++)
    		if (B[i][i]<B[k][i])
    			for (j=0 ; j<=n ; j++)
    				double temp=B[i][j];
    for(i=0 ; i<n-1 ; i++)            //loop to perform the gauss elimination
    	for(k=i+1 ; k<n ; k++)
    		double t=B[k][i] / B[i][i];
    		for(j=0 ; j<=n ; j++)
    			B[k][j] = B[k][j]-t*B[i][j];    //make the elements below the pivot elements equal to zero or elimnate the variables
    for(i=n-1 ; i>=0 ; i--)                //back-substitution
    {                        //x is an array whose values correspond to the values of x,y,z..
    	a[i]=B[i][n];                //make the variable to be calculated equal to the rhs of the last equation
    	for(j=0 ; j<n ; j++)
    		if(j!=i) a[i]=a[i]-B[i][j]*a[j];           //then subtract all the lhs values except the coefficient of the variable whose value is being calculated
    	a[i]=a[i]/B[i][i];            //now finally divide the rhs by the coefficient of the variable to be calculated
    return a ;
