Gaussian Fitting 함수 C++

Mathematics Algorithm|2023. 3. 23. 23:46

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Gaussian Fitting
Gaussian Fitting 그래프

#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int __fastcall GaussDeviation(double *buf, double *gbuf, int len,
        double &peak, double &pkpos, double &pdiam, double &pdev, double base, double cut_level)
    int i, p1, p2, gbuf_len ;
    double pix=0, maxi=0 ;
    double sumix = 0, sumi = 0 ;                 //long type에서 double로 변경, sumi가 0이 되어 gaussianfit하지 않음.
    double thresh,thresh1, maxinten ;
    double radius=0, center, r2=0., oldr2=0 ;
    double *temp ;

    temp = max_element(&buf[0], &buf[len]) ;
    maxi = *temp ;

//------------ 추가 코드 --------------------
    temp = min_element(&buf[0], &buf[len]) ;
    base = *temp ;

    maxinten = maxi - base ;
    thresh = maxinten * cut_level ;

    peak = 0 ;
    pkpos = 0 ;
    pdiam = 0 ;
    pdev = 0 ;

    if(len == 0) return 0 ;

    for(i=1 ; i<len-1 ; i++)
        if(buf[i] < thresh) continue ;
        pix = buf[i] - thresh ;
        sumi += pix ;
        sumix += i * pix ;

    for(p1=1 ; buf[p1]<=thresh && p1<len-1 ; p1++) ; // find first edge
    for(p2=len-1 ; buf[p2]<=thresh && p2>p1 ; p2--) ; // find second edge

    if(fabs(buf[p1] - thresh) > fabs(buf[p1+1] - thresh)) p1 = p1 + 1 ;
    if(fabs(buf[p2] - thresh) > fabs(buf[p2-1] - thresh)) p2 = p2 - 1 ;

    center = p1 + (p2 - p1) / 2.0 ;
    radius = (p2 - p1 + 1) / 2.0 ;

    memset(gbuf, 0, sizeof(double)*len) ;

    if(sumi < 1)                                                                  // If no points, just give center
        sumix = len / 2 ;
        sumi = 1 ;
        radius = 0 ;

    if(sumi >= 1 && radius > 1)
        double a=0, b=0 ;
        if(cut_level > 0)
            for(i=0 ; i<50 ; i++)
                GaussianFit(buf,gbuf,len,base,maxinten,radius,center,&a,&b,&r2) ;
                maxinten += a ;
                radius += b ;
                if(r2 < 0.) r2=0. ;                                             // On horrible curves, r2 can go negative!
                if(r2<0.005|| (i>1 && a<0.001 && b<0.001)) break ;
                if(i>1 && fabs(oldr2-r2)/r2 < .0002) break ;                    // r2 didn't change
                oldr2 = r2 ;
            for(i=0 ; i<5 ; i++)
                GaussianFit(buf,gbuf,len,base,maxinten,radius,center,&a,&b,&r2) ;
                maxinten += a ;
                radius += b ;
                if(r2<0.) r2=0. ;                                               // On horrible curves, r2 can go negative!
                if(r2<0.005 || (i>1 && a<0.001 && b<0.001)) break ;
                if(i>1 && fabs(oldr2-r2)/r2 < .0002) break ;                    // r2 didn't change
                oldr2 = r2 ;

//    radius = (p2-p1) / 2. ;                                                     // Use the image's radius, not the gaussian's
    pdiam = p1 ;                                                                //radius*2; 0808..
    pdev = r2 ;
    peak = maxinten ;

    for(i=0 ; i<len ; i++)
        if(gbuf[i] >= maxinten) pkpos = i ;

    gbuf_len = p2 - p1 + 1 ;
    return gbuf_len ;
void __fastcall GaussianFit(double *pix, double *gbuf,int npix, double mininten,
        double A, double B, double T, double *a, double *b, double *r2)
    /* pix is the row of pixel data
       gbuf is output of fit gaussian
       npix is the number of pixels in the row
       A is the current amplitude estimate (0 < A < 256)
       B is the current width estimate (in pixels)
       T is the centroid (assumed to be accurate/constant; 0 < T < npix)
       a is the calculated correction for A
       b is the calculated correction for B
       r2 is the r?goodness-of-fit for the revised estimators
    /* note that it would be intuitive for this function to return r2 */

    /* for each pixel : */
    double x; /* the distance of the pixel from the centroid = i-T */
    double u; /* the partial derivative of the Gaussian estimate w.r.t. A */
    double v; /* the partial derivative of the Gaussian estimate w.r.t. B */
    double f; /* the current Gaussian estimate */
    double F; /* the deviation of the pixel value from the estimate */
    /* overall: */
    double C=0; /* the sum of u?*/
    double D=0; /* the sum of uv */
    double E=0; /* the sum of Fu */
    double G=0; /* the sum of v?*/
    double H=0; /* the sum of Fv */
    double J=0; /* the sum of F?*/
    /* additional variables from Coherents formulas (without names) */
    double sumf=0; /* the sum of revised estimates */
    double sumF=0; /* the sum of errors in the revised estimates */
    double avgf; /* the average new estimate */
    double var; /* the variance between a pixel value and the average */
    double sumvar2=0; /* the sum of the squared variances */

    int i ;
    for(i=0 ; i<npix ; i++)                                                     /* this is the slowest part of this function */
        x = (double)(i-(int)T) ;
        f = A * exp(-2.*((x*x)/(B*B))) ;                                        /* (1) */
        F = (double)(pix[i]-mininten)-f ;                                       /* (5) */
        if(A==0) A = 1 ;
        u = f / A ;                                                             /* (3) */
        if(B==0) B = 1 ;
        v = 4.* f *(x*x)/(B*B*B) ;                                              /* (4) */
        C += u*u ;
        D += u*v ;
        E += F*u ;
        G += v*v ;
        H += F*v ;
        J += F*F ;
    /* new coefficient estimates */

    double temp ;
    temp = (D*D-C*G) ;
    if(temp==0) temp = 1 ;

    *b = (E*D-C*H)/ temp ;        /* (8) */
    *a = -(E*G-D*H)/temp ;       /* (9) */
    A += *a;
    B += *b;

    /* analyze estimates using new coefficients */
    J = 0 ;
    for(i=0 ; i<npix ; i++)
        x = (double)(i-(int)T) ;
        if(B==0) B = 1 ;
        f = A*exp(-2.*((x*x)/(B*B))) ;
        F = (double)(pix[i]-mininten) - f ;
        gbuf[i] = mininten + f ;                                                /* PLOT IDEAL GAUSSIAN */
        sumf += f ;
        sumF += F ;
        J += F*F ;
    if(npix == 0) npix = 1 ;
    avgf = sumf / npix ;

    for(i=0 ; i<npix ; i++)
        var = (double)(pix[i]-mininten) - avgf ;
        sumvar2 += var * var ;
    if(sumvar2==0) sumvar2 = 1 ;
    *r2 = 1. - sqrt(J / sumvar2) ;
